Civic Association of Hollin Hills

Parkland, Entrances & Trails

One of the most distinctive features of Hollin Hills is the 30 acres of parkland that weave through it, providing beauty and recreational areas for residents, a gentle setting for the architecture, and a rich, diverse habitat for animal life, from deer and foxes to migratory birds.

The parks were originally the brainchild of developer Robert Davenport. In 1954, shortly after establishing the community, Davenport set aside 13 acres of land to be used as parks, which would be owned and managed by the Civic Association of Hollin Hills. The parks were named in a community contest.

That parkland has grown to over 30 acres as the community has expanded, and now provides a varied setting for community get-togethers (such as the annual 4th of July picnic), concerts, play areas for kids, hiking, dog-walking and other activities.

As part of the community's ecosystem, these largely forested areas function as important wildlife habitats, improve air quality, contribute to stormwater management, reduce ambient summertime temperatures, and provide a wealth of material for nature study.

The parks (with the exception of McCalley Park) are owned by the Civic Association of Hollin Hills, which maintains them for the use of the community through its Parks Committee and park wardens. As stewards of the parks, the CAHH works to keep the parks healthy and safe, conserve wildlife habitats and native plants, protect water quality and address drainage and erosion issues. 

The CAHH Parks Committee monitors the conditions of the parks, organizes periodic “clean-up parties” (see Events calendar) to remove invasive plants and do other maintenance work, and contracts out work for larger projects such as removing dead or dying trees, repairing play equipment, and mowing grassy areas.

The CAHH Parks Committee administers the Civic Association's annual parks budget, which is $38,800 for 2024funding which comes from Civic Association membership dues, parks donations and grants from organizations such as the Friends of Hollin Hills

While the CAHH Parks Committee takes the lead role, community support and participation are crucial to maintain the parks. Please consider joining one of the many clean-up parties held throughout the year, volunteering to become a park warden, and/or making a financial donation to the parks. 

The Entrances

The Parks Committee also looks after the entrances to Hollin Hills at Fort Hunt Road and Sherwood Hall Lane. With a grant from the Audubon Society, the Committee in 2021 replaced the non-native plants at the Fort Hunt entrance with an “oasis” of native species that provides berries, seeds, nectar, and pollen for insects and birds; food for butterfly and moth larvae; and nesting sites and shelter for birds and other wildlife.  Details about the plants used are available in this handout.

The Sherwood Hall Lane entrance is also getting a makeover, and is being replanted with native species in 2024, thanks to a generous donation from Jim Wheeler and Sally Watkins.

Civic Association of Hollin Hills (CAHH)
is a 501(c)7 non-profit, social and recreational organization.
1600 Paul Spring Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22307
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