What is the Civic Association of Hollin Hills and why join? |
Open to any resident of Hollin Hills, the Civic Association is a volunteer membership-based organization devoted to promoting the common good in the community.
With a nine-member, democratically-elected Board of Directors, the Civic Association manages a wide range of community activities. Together with dozens of dedicated volunteers, we maintain the 30 acres of parks that run through the neighborhood, and
host annual events from the 4th of July picnic to Oktoberfest to the Winter Potluck. We manage and insure the Hollin Hills pool and tennis club, and we put on the biennial House and Garden Tour — the largest modernist architecture tour on the East Coast.
We also offer architectural guidance for homeowners planning renovations, to ensure that the heritage of Hollin Hills is maintained. We publish a neighborhood directory and a monthly community newsletter, and maintain this website to provide an open source of information to visitors and residents alike. And we work to protect the community’s unique historical status, successfully getting Hollin Hills listed, in 2013, on the National Register of Historic Places.
But most of all, the association provides a way for Hollin Hillers to jointly address community issues, and to be involved in the life of this unique neighborhood we all share.
Joining the Civic Association is a great way to get involved, meet your neighbors and have a voice in the community. (Plus, it’s fun!)
Whether you’re interested in the parks, the social events, the tour, the publications, the architecture, serving on the Board, or any other part of community life, membership opens up a host of opportunities to participate and help out.
And even if you don’t have time for volunteering, your annual dues provide vital support for the upkeep of Hollin Hills — and are particularly important for the parks, which are owned and maintained by the Civic Association.
Membership gives you specific benefits including:
delivery of printed edition of community directory, including the recent 75th Anniversary edition
vote on matters before the membership
But membership is really just about helping out — and being part of the tradition of volunteerism that has marked Hollin Hills since its earliest days. We’d love to have you — join us in building a better Hollin Hills!