Civic Association of Hollin Hills

Join us

  1. All residents and homeowners of the Hollin Hills Historic District are considered Community Members.
  2. If you join and pay membership dues to the Civic Association of Hollin Hills (CAHH), you are a Community Member (Voting).  Otherwise, if you do not pay annual membership dues, you are considered a Community Member (Non-Voting). 
  3. If you are a family member wishing to make a payment on behalf of a resident and do not have your email address on record with us, contact us at

  4. Attention: 🛑 If you have arrived on this page and wish to join one of our recreational clubs, visit the Hollin Hills Pool, and/or the Hollin Hills Pickleball and Tennis Club, respectively.

  5. Existing CAHH Members: (detailed instructions)

    1. Simply login to your account
    2. Select your Name to reach your Profile page
    3. Review your invoice.  If you wish to have a paper-copy newsletters ($35 added), adjust your profile.
    4. Select the "Renew  1 May 2025" gray-colored button.
For ALL other community residents and homeowners: (detailed instructions) on how to join for the first time or rejoin CAHH.
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Civic Association of Hollin Hills (CAHH)
is a 501(c)7 non-profit, social and recreational organization.

1600 Paul Spring Rd
Alexandria, VA 22307

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