Hollin Hills Neighbors and Friends,
Friends of Hollin Hills is sponsoring the 6th Annual Hollin Hills Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot! There will be a Fun Run for the kids and a more serious 5K Run around the neighborhood. The Turkey Trot will be held at Voigt Park. A suggested donation of $10/person will help with this event and contribute to the improvements of the Hollin Hills parks.
WHAT: A Fun Run followed by a 5K Turkey Trot through our lovely neighborhood, including some of our beautiful parks. Run, walk, scooter, push your stroller, or just come to cheer. There will be prizes for the first place runners and the best costume.
WHERE: We will meet at Voigt Park at the corner of Paul Spring Road and Rippon Road. The Start and Finish line are both at this location. There will be cider and donuts and friendly neighbors at the finish line.
WHEN: Thanksgiving Day, November 28th. The Fun Run starts at 9am and the Turkey Trot is scheduled to start at 9:30am.
WHO: Neighbors, friends, neighbors in surrounding communities and out of town visitors are all more than welcome. If you are not a runner, please come to cheer runners and join this friendly neighborhood gathering. Well behaved pets are welcome too!
We are asking participants to provide a suggested donation of $10/person in honor of Friends of Hollin Hills. Friends of Hollin Hills is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Register here
And Last but Not least, a couple of important notes:
- We will need many volunteers to serve as the traffic marshalls (standing at areas along the way to assist with directing runners and any light traffic), a photographer, and help at the finish line. If you are able to help, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0545AAAA23AA8-53292936-hollin
- Please bring your own water bottles and your own mugs for the cider. We will have some emergency cups for those who forget, but we want to avoid as much single use trash as possible.
- The running route will not be closed to cars, so please be safe and be sure to run against traffic.
- Please park on Paul Spring Road to keep the Voigt Park Start and Finish line clear
- If you have any questions, please email Jane Runnels at janerunnels@gmail.com
- Everyone runs at their own risk.
Get your running shoes ready and we will see you at Voigt Park on Thanksgiving morning!
The Friends of Hollin Hills Turkey Trot Committee